
Friday, May 22, 2015

                            Inspired by beauty, a woman and time reflecting on what might be.

Thinking back on my last trip to the coast, I went to the beach alone.  I wanted to take some pictures of the sun setting along the horizon.  It was low tide around the time I reached this place and the wind had calmed to a gentle breeze.  There were a few couples walking on the beach then and I was feeling lonely. On the other hand it was refreshing to see that some had found each other and were enjoying together an amazing sun set.  The cool ocean breeze was just enough to make slight ripples in the shallow water.  Then, I was trying to get to know a person I barely knew.  The reflection of a stranger peered back at me when I looked at myself in the water.  I believe that happiness comes from within and only when you truly find your own, you can share it with someone close to you.  A soul mate that I have yet to find.

There are many different types of relationships and there are successes and failures.  Sometimes people grow apart and sometimes things bring couples closer together.  I do not know the successful recipe that some seem to possess.  Expectations is a killer as well as getting too busy in the rat race and forgetting how to live.  In the process of keeping up with the Joneses the passion fades and the fire smolders.  Some can keep the fire burning and right sized.  Some huddle around fading coals! Myself, I am in search of a kind soul to share happy moments with.  I have found myself and that is the start of what I was looking for.  I do not know who may end up in front of me, if anybody at all. Maybe she is already in my life today.

I can imagine her today as if she was there on the beach that day.  I can see her eyes looking into mine curiously and with a peaceful desire.  The sun setting and the colours seem insignificant to the beauty that is radiating from her.  The surroundings are merely a backdrop as I notice the way she is looking back at me.  I would not know what to say and might not be able to make a sentence.  A glance at her lips and back at her eyes.  Walking again down the beach slowly passing others doing the same.  Enjoying each others company and nothing else really matters.  The rat race gone and the joneses enjoying their new possessions have nothing to do with us as we walk.  She keeps cool as the butterflies dance in her stomach.  I keep calm as I pull her close and kiss her.

This is how I might have enjoyed the beach with that someone.  I could keep writing but I will  leave that up to your Imagination.  A place at the coast where I needed to sort stuff out is the place I would like to take my best friend when I find her.  This is a story without a ending that still needs a beginning. Today I hold my head high and look through pictures.  How I felt when I took them.  I try to share them with a couple words attached.  In life do not be afraid to take a chance, find your own happiness, and seek out the important gifts life give us and share them with the one you care about. Tic toc the time is ticking away.