
Sunday, February 15, 2015

     The sound of  dirt  as your tires grab the trail is the sound early riders enjoy this warm February day. Close to Bend Oregon is Phil's head trail which connects with miles of forest trails. I remember as a child riding, then animal trails which many Mountain bikers enjoy today. I still know of a few trails you may not see another person all day. Many birds of pray over head on a day like today. If you pay attention you may see a Red tail hawk or a eagle scouting its pray. Maybe they are just gliding on a current enjoying the day.
     I took this picture a few years back. Like today it was the first great riding day. I am happy that this land has not been developed with houses or a few rich mans homes. This was my back yard growing up in Bend and is a place I like my children to enjoy. When I was young I enjoyed seeing a black bear and her cub close to here. I camped here also. Houses are creeping farther west of Bend and it is expected to keep booming. If you visit enjoy what nature has to offer here. The first ride of the year was my favorite ride every year.